Link Whisper vs Interlinks Manager: A Side-By-Side Comparison

Internal linking is a crucial part of any SEO strategy, but doing it manually can take hours of time, and keeping track of everything can seem nearly impossible.

Luckily, there are some great plugins available designed to make the whole process effortless.

In this guide, we’re comparing two of the most popular internal linking plugins: Link Whisper vs Interlinks Manager, to help you decide which one is right for you.

Link Whisper vs Interlinks Manager: 

Three Key Differences You Need to Know About [TL;DR]

In a rush? Don’t worry! Here’s what you need to know.

  • When it comes to user experience, Link Whisper wins, hands down. The clear, thoughtfully laid-out dashboard makes it super easy to navigate, so even a beginner can start adding internal links immediately.
  • Link Whisper provides a better knowledge base than Interlinks Manager, with plenty of clear, easy-to-follow video tutorials to help you get started. Although Interlinks Manager does provide documentation, it’s not as easy to follow. You will find some tutorial videos on DAEXT’s YouTube channel, but they are over seven years old.
  • Link Whisper is more expensive than Interlinks Manager for a single site. However, if you have multiple sites, Link Whisper is the cheaper option.

About Link Whisper

Link Whisper is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to build internal links in just a few seconds. It does all the hard work by suggesting relevant internal links while writing your content in the WordPress editor.

With Link Whisper, you have full control over your internal linking process, and you can use the settings area to ignore certain words or posts and set limits for the number of links per post. You can even ignore posts over a certain age to ensure that Link Whisper is only linking to your most relevant content.

One of the best things about Link Whisper is how user-friendly it is. Even if you’re a beginner, you can navigate the dashboard and add internal links at the click of a button.

About Interlinks Manager

Interlinks Manager is another internal linking plugin for WordPress

It allows you to analyze your internal links structure, add new links, and create automatic links to specific URLs based on a list of your chosen keywords—so on the surface, it’s quite similar to Link Whisper.

Now, let’s dive into the features Link Whisper and Interlinks Manager offers to see how they measure up.

Link Whisper’s Main Features

Easy-to-Read Dashboard

In the sidebar of your WordPress admin area, you will find the tab for the Link Whisper dashboard. This gives you an ‘at a glance’ overview of the links on your site.

Internal Links Report

You can use Link Whisper’s Internal Link Report to see all of the ingoing and outgoing links on every post and page on your site.

The Internal Link Report page shows:

This makes it easy to find orphan pages and dead-end pages and add links to and from them in just a few clicks.

Automatic Link Suggestions

Underneath your content in the editor, you will see a list of Link Whisper’s suggestions. Check the box of the links you want to add, hit save, and the links will be added to your content automatically. That’s all there is to it!


Link Whisper also has a useful Auto-Linking feature. This lets you select specific keywords that you want to use as anchor text along with the URL you want to link to. Once you’ve done this, Link Whisper will scan your entire site and build links on all mentions of your chosen keyword.

Pro Tip: This feature is also super useful for affiliate marketers! Instead of linking to your own content, you can add an affiliate link. For example, if you are an Amazon affiliate, you can link the keyword ‘Amazon’ to your Amazon affiliate link!

Easily Find Orphan Content

On the main dashboard, you will be able to see how many orphan posts you have on your site. Click the link to open the orphan posts report, which will bring up a list of all your posts without any inbound internal links.

You can click the ‘Add’ button to see a list of relevant link suggestions and add them to your post in seconds.

Fix Broken Links

The broken links report lets you see exactly how many broken links you have on your website or blog and fix them at the click of a button. Broken links can have a negative impact on your SEO, so this is a great way to stay on top of things and spot broken links as soon as they happen.

Click Reports

Link  Whisper’s clicks report lets you see the exact number of link clicks for each post on your site. You can dive deeper on the Click Details page, which allows you to view”

  • The anchor text that was clicked
  • How many times each link was clicked
  • The URL of every clicked link

This enables you to measure your links’ engagement, so you can see what’s working and fix what isn’t.

Connect Other Sites You Own to Link Whisper

You can connect the two on Link Whisper to receive link suggestions between your sites if you have more than one website or blog. This is a great feature to have for publishers with multiple sites in the same niche!

Shopify App

Shopify users will be pleased to know that Link Whisper also has a Shopify app. This means that Shopify store owners can take advantage of all the amazing features Link Whisper offers on their Shopify store.

Knowledgebase and Support

Aside from all of the great features that Link Whisper offers, users can rest assured that they will have access to a friendly, helpful support team should they run into any issues.

Link Whisper’s vast knowledge base is packed with tutorials, FAQs, and suggestions to help you get the best out of the plugin. If you need further support, you can create a support ticket so a member of the Link Whisper team can help you personally.

Interlinks Manager’s Main Features


The Dashboard gives you an overview of all of the internal links on every post on your website.

You can view the following metrics from this page:

  • Content length
  • Number of internal links
  • The recommended number of internal links
  • Optimization status

Interlinks Manager’s Internal Link Analysis feature allows you to analyze your site’s internal link structure. You can use the filters to sort through this data, depending on your needs.

Link Juice Calculations

Head over to the Juice menu to see an estimated ‘Link Juice’ calculation for every URL linked on your site. This information allows you to see how your link Juice is currently being distributed so you can allocate more ‘Juice’ to pages that need a boost.

Automatic Links

This feature allows you to link to certain URLs based on a pre-defined keyword automatically.

Click Tracking

Track every single click on your internal links so that you can analyze which links are getting the best results.

Internal Link Suggestions

To get internal link suggestions, you simply click on the ‘Generate’ button as you are editing your content in WordPress. This will suggest relevant posts that you can link to.

You can click this as many times as you like until you see a suggestion you are happy with.

Documentation and Support

The documentation for the Interlinks Manager plugin is fairly basic, and although there are some video tutorials available, they are over seven years old. Additional support is available via email, and is generally good.

Link Whisper vs Interlinks Manager: Pricing

Both Link Whisper and Interlinks Manager have free plugins available. However, in both cases, the free plugins do not offer access to all features. For access to all features, you will need to purchase a license.

Link Whisper Pricing

LinkWhisper vs Interlinks manager. LinkWhisper Pricing Page

Link Whisper is priced annually for a Site License.

  • 1 Site License: $77. This includes all Link Whisper features for one website.
  • 3 Site License: $117. This includes all Link Whisper features for three websites.
  • 10 Site License: $167. This includes all Link Whisper features for ten websites.
  • 50 Site License: $347. This includes all Link Whisper features for fifty websites.

Billing is annual until canceled.

Interlinks Manager Pricing

Interlinks manager pricing page

Interlinks Manager offers three license types.

  • Regular License: $39. Unlimited updates, 6 months of support.
  • Regular + License: $52. Unlimited updates, and 12 months of support.
  • Extended License: $195. Unlimited updates, 6 months of support.

Link Whisper vs Interlinks Manager: The Bottom Line

When you compare Link Whisper vs Interlinks Manager side by side, the biggest difference you will see is how user-friendly Link Whisper is compared to its competitor.

Link Whisper is designed to be easy for anyone to use, whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned pro. Users will love the bright, intuitive dashboard and how easy it is to add different types of links at the click of a button. It’s easy to see why it’s so popular!

Although Interlinks Manager works out to be slightly cheaper for a single site, if you can afford it, it’s worth paying a little more for the experience you will get with Link Whisper.

Link Whisper is also the better option for publishers with multiple sites. Aside from purchasing a 10-site license for just $167, you can connect any of your sites to receive link suggestions between sites in a similar niche.

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