Link Whisper Review: Build Internal Links for SEO Fast

Are you tired of manually building internal links for SEO?

Thankfully, thousands of content marketers are unlocking the full power of their content and building internal links in a fraction of the time.

Using artificial intelligence, Link Whisper automatically suggests relevant internal links as you write.

And in this Link Whisper review, we pull back the hood to share its best features and how to use it to skyrocket your rankings.

Let’s dive in.

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What is Link Whisper?

Link Whisper is an internal linking plugin for WordPress. It helps you build relevant internal links on your website and strengthen on-page SEO.

It works by analyzing your website’s content and providing internal link suggestions.

internal linking suggestions

Adding internal links with Link Whisper is much faster than doing it manually.

You simply select the links it suggests, click the button, and it adds them in a matter of seconds.

insert links

We’ll look into the features in a minute.

But the idea is to provide you with tons of internal linking opportunities to optimize on-page SEO.

It’s simple. A better internal link strategy makes Google recognize your site and boost your rankings.

The Truth About Internal Links

To explain just how powerful internal links are, take a look at what Kyle Kroeger was able to achieve with Link Whisper.

He grew his site’s traffic by 11,000%. Before Link Whisper, Kyle’s site was getting around 100,000 sessions per month and it grew to 1.1 million sessions per month by month 7.

So, it’s clear to see that building internal links is not only crucial for SEO, but it has the potential to drive massive traffic.

The problem is the time it takes to add internal links.

Imagine you’ve been creating content for your site for the last 12 months.

You’ve made an incredible effort to produce high-quality content and now you have 150 articles published.

You’ve done your best to add internal links, but it’s becoming unmanageable.

And worse. Your rankings and traffic are way too low.

You know your content is good and you’ve even gotten backlinks from other sites, so what gives?

The answer is quite possibly a lack of internal links.

To fix this mess, you’ll have to go through every page and decipher which pages should link to each other.

And then manually add them yourself.

This is where Link Whisper comes in and takes over the whole process.

No more manual linking drudgery. It’s a simple solution that can yield staggering results.

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14 Cool Things You Can Do with Link Whisper

1. Quickly add inbound internal links to posts

This is one of the main features of link whisper.

From the Internal Links report, there’s a column called Inbound Internal Links, which displays the number of links pointing to each article:

inbound internal links

This makes it easy to see which articles need more internal links.

To see the linking pages, click on the plus sign:

see all incoming links

You get a list of all the pages linking to that page, which makes things feel organized.

To add more links, click “add” and it’ll open a page in a new tab:

add new inbound internal links

From here it shows a list of suggested links:

choose suggested internal links

This page has two columns: Suggested Phrases and Posts To Create Links In.

The Suggested Phrases column is the link suggestion and the Post to Create Links In is where the link will come from.

Adding them is simple. Just check the box down the side, then click the Add Links button:

add links

You can also customize the suggested link text and the text around the link.

More on this feature in a minute.

2. Get internal link suggestions in posts (and add them in seconds)

This is another main feature of Link Whisper.

But this time, link suggestions are inside the post you’re working on.

You’ll see semantically related articles you can link to at the bottom of the post-edit screen:

semantically related link suggestions

These internal link suggestions will link to other posts on your site. Simply skim through the suggested links and check the box next to them.

The best part?

Make changes to the suggested internal link anchor text and the surrounding text.

This will ensure the link is relevant and the sentence is readable. This is super important because it helps Google understand your site better.

And provide your readers with a better experience.

To edit the sentence, hit the Edit Sentence button, make your changes, then hit Save:

change surrounding text

Changing the linking text is easy too. Just click the words to highlight or unhighlight them.

Once you’ve selected your links, scroll to the bottom or the top of the suggestions and click the Insert Links into Post button.

But wait, how do you know which posts to add more links to?

I’ll show you.

From the Links report page, there’s a column called Outbound internal links.

not enough links

This shows you the number of links the post is linking to on your site.

Just like the Inbound Links column, you can click the plus sign to see these links.

And to add more, click on “add” to open up the post in a new window.

Using this report makes it easy to know which article needs more links in them.

3. See a birds-eye-view of all your links from the links report

Want quick access to any internal link on your site?

No problem.

From the links report, you can use filters and search to find what you’re looking for.

link whisper reports page

There are four main columns:

  1. The first column is all the posts on your site
  2. Column two is your inbound internal links
  3. Column three is the outbound internal links
  4. And the last column is your outbound external links

You get the number of internal links coming to and from your posts. And the number of external links the post is pointing to.

To narrow down your post, use the filters.

Filters can help you find different links for specific post types and their categories:

filter posts

Or you can filter by link count:

filter by link count

Finally, if you know a specific page you want to update, use the search box:

search keyword

4. Fix broken links fast

Broken links on your site are one of the biggest causes of negative SEO.

But finding them can be quite a challenge. Sometimes, you may not even know you have broken links until it’s too late.

With Link Whisper’s Error report, it’s easy to find broken internal links and fix them fast.

To see if you have any broken links, you can access them from the main Dashboard:

broken links

Here, you’ll get a list of broken links and any other links that might have an error:

broken links

You can also filter these links based on the type of error:

broken links

To fix a broken link, hover over the post and click edit:

fix broken links in wordpress

But what if you no longer need the link?

You simply click on the X on the right to remove them:

remove broken links

This will remove the link, but keep the text intact.

5. Find orphaned posts

Orphaned content are posts with no internal links pointing to them.

Not good if you want search engines to find these posts.

It’s best to have at least one inbound internal link on every page. But having more from multiple pages is even better.

You can see the number of orphaned posts you have from the Dashboard:

find orphaned posts

Taking a closer look at these pages reveals a lot:

no internal inbound links

We can see that this post has 4 outbound internal links and 3 outbound external links, but 0 inbound internal links.

Now you can quickly point links to this page by clicking add. Link Whisper will do its magic and find internal linking opportunities for this page.

fix orphaned posts

From the suggestions above, I found at least 2 that would be ideal for this post.

6. Automatically link insertion

Sure, internal links provide many on-page SEO benefits, but how can we completely automate the process?

With the auto-linking feature.

auto linking

Adding autolinks will automatically insert internal links whenever your chosen keyword shows up, saving you time.

Here’s how it works:

Add the keyword and URL on the Auto-linking page and click the Create Autolink Rule button:

add auto links

You can even refine how the link is added in the settings:

auto linking settings

Some of the settings include:

  • Add link if the post already has this link
  • Only link once per post
  • And override the “One Link per Sentence” rule?

7. Quickly view link stats and charts from the dashboard

The dashboard is where you can get an overview of all your links.

link whisper dashboard

From the number of posts crawled and links found to orphaned links and broken links. These help you navigate to different features of Links Whisper.

Then, there’s a snapshot of all the different website you links to:

most linked domains

This is great for blogs with multiple authors because it helps the owner manage which sites are being linked to.

And the pie chart shows the ratio of internal vs external links.

internal vs external

8. Improve link suggestions by assigning keywords

Link Whisper uses Natural language processing (NLP), a branch of artificial intelligence to help it detect human language.

Oftentimes the results are very accurate in suggesting the right pages to link to, as well as the suggested keywords.

But sometimes, the suggestion can be a little off.

This is where Target Keywords come in.

Target keywords will assign specific keywords to your articles, providing more accurate internal linking suggestions.

This can be a powerful way to automate and optimize your on-page SEO strategy.

Currently, the tool will grab target keywords from a few places:

  • The pages content
  • SEO plugins
  • Google Search Console
  • Or adding them manually
target keywords

Target keywords used from the page’s content are the title and the slug of the page.

Any keywords you add to Yoast or RankMath will also be used as target keywords.

yoast target keywords

Then, you can connect your Google Search Console property to Link Whisper for even more linking suggestions.

target keywords with google search console

Lastly, you have the option to add your own target keywords manually to posts and pages for extra accuracy.

add custom target keywords

9. Use the URL changer to automatically update old links

The URL changer lets you quickly update links from an old URL to a new one.

url changer plugin

For example:

Let’s say you had a post with the URL but you decided to add more recipes to the page.

You might want to update the URL without the number at the beginning.

Instead of having to go into each post and change them individually, this will update all of them in one go.

Simply add the old and new URLs in the respective fields and click Add URL:

url changer example

Just to clarify, this doesn’t create a redirect. It actually changes the target URL inside every page where it occurs.

Take caution with this as it can alter search rankings and make sure you redirect the URLs with a redirection plugin.

10. Get detailed click analysis (which links are performing best?)

Want to know which internal links get the most clicks?

Link Whisper has you covered.

The Clicks Report is where you can glance at which links are performing best.

clicks report

Clicking on the plus sign expands the data even further:

link click details

Here you’ll see

  • Clicks Over the Past 30 Days
  • And a link to the Most Clicked Link

For even more insights, the detailed click report shows a graph and click analytics for every link on the page.

link click graph

You get the link URL, the anchor text, and the number of times it’s been clicked on.

link clicks details

And you can change the date range:

change date range

Knowing this information can help you optimize for better link placements.

If you notice the first or second link gets the most clicks, you can change these to affiliate links or product pages.

11. Find and remove links easily

Have you linked to a page on your site that no longer serves a purpose?

What if that page is being linked to dozens of times? Or worse, hundreds of times?

Manually removing every occurrence of these links will take forever.

Sure you can redirect the URL to the home page, but that isn’t great for SEO.

With Link Whisper, you can remove any link in a matter of seconds.

From the links Report, search for the page that has been linked to:

remove links

Expand to see the pages linking to it and choose the one’s you want to delete.

delete links fast

12. Use spreadsheets to manage your links with 1-click exports

If you want to manage the internal links in a spreadsheet, you can do that with the CSV export buttons.

You’ll find the buttons on the Links Report, Domains Report, and Error Report pages.

You can then open these files in Excel or Google Sheets.

There are two types of downloads, a links summary export and a detailed links export.

export csv

The links summary is a list of all your pages, some details about them, and the number of links.

summary export

The detailed links export is a list of all the links and their associated pages.

detailed export

13. Instantly apply HTML attributes to domains you link to

This feature lets you add HTML attributes (blank and rel) to external websites you link to.

For example, if you don’t want to send link juice to a specific domain, you can add the nofollow attribute.

add html attributes to links

You can also assign the sponsored attribute to any domains that you have a sponsorship deal with.

add sponsored rel

This is something Google recommends in their documentation.

Lastly, there’s also the option to open certain sites in a new tab.

This setting is available sitewide from the settings. More on these settings in a bit.

14. Use all popular page builders

Using a page builder? No problem.

Link Whisper works with the most popular page builders.

And of course, it works with Gutenberg and the classic editor plugin too.

That means the links you add to your site will be added the same way they are added manually.

And in most cases, they will stay intact even if you switch to a different theme. But changing page builders could cause you to lose links without running through a site migration.

A word from our developer: 

“For page builders, since their job is to handle post content, it’s very likely that switching will change the link stats in the short term. Some builders “backup” a version of the content to the WP Post content, and Link Whisper can scan that to get the link data, but many don’t back up to the post data.

Naturally, if the user exactly replicates the internal links from the old page builder on a new one, the link stats will remain the same, so in the case of a good migration, the links won’t change. But if he just switches, and immediately runs a Link Scan, the stats will be different.”

Here are the current page builders supported by Link Whisper:

  • Beaver Builder
  • Elementor
  • Divi
  • Kadence Blocks
  • Oxygen Builder
  • Themify Builder
  • Avia Layout Builder
  • Thrive Architect
  • WPBakery Builder
  • Avada Builder
  • Cornerstone Builder by ThemeCo
  • Muffin Builder
  • SiteOrigin Builder

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The Settings Take Things Even Further

There’s a lot of power that goes into the Link Whisper features.

And what’s even more powerful, are the settings you can play around with.

Leaving the default settings will be fine for most people, but geeking out on these can optimize things and save you even more time.

Here are just some of the settings available:

  • Open all internal links in new tabs
  • Ignore numbers and certain words when suggesting links
  • Choose the post status (published, draft, etc) you want link suggestions for
  • Set post types to create links for
  • 20+ languages supported
  • Choose the number of sentences to skip at the beginning of the post
  • Choose the maximum number of links per post
  • Exclude specific links and content in suggestions
  • Choose links within the same category or tag
  • Choose links by published date
  • Force suggested links to be HTTPS
  • Update the “Post Modified” date when links are created
  • Change the minimum suggested anchor length
  • Only make suggestions based on target keywords
  • Only suggest links to specific posts
  • Activate link suggestions on custom fields

And so much more.

Is the Code Clean and Will it Slow Down Your Site?

When Link Whisper creates a link, it might seem like there’s a lot of magic happening in the background.

In truth, it simply adds some HTML necessary for the link.

It’s the same HTML that would be added if you added the link manually.

Clean code and site speed is a high priority in the development of Link Whisper. We want to make sure the code is of the highest standard and won’t slow down your site.

A full-time US developer is working on the Link Whisper plugin, adding new features, making regular updates, and working on bug fixes.

Moreover, there’s virtually no difference in pagespeed with or without the plugin.

Here’s a screenshot of the speed before the plugin was installed.

Before  Install:

And here’s after the plugin was installed with several links added to the page:

After Install:

Who Uses Link Whisper?

Link Whipser is used by bloggers, content marketers, and website owners wanting to optimize internal links and avoid guesswork.

If you want to boost your site’s reputation and develop internal link relevancy in less time, Link Whisper will help you do it.

For example, Nina Clapperton increased topical authority of her expat blog from DA14 to DA28.

And Rob Scheerbath took his podcast publishing blog from 0 to 30,000 pageviews in just a few months.

Link Whisper is also used by e-commerce site owners. The internal link suggestions work just as well for WooCommerce and there’s an app for Shopify.

This will help with internal links to product and category pages, an essential SEO practice for e-commerce sites.


Link Whisper has three available plans for all types of website owners.

link whisper pricing
  • A single site license = $77
  • 3 site license = $117
  • 10 site license = $167
  • 50 site licence = $347

The best bit?

All features are available for all plans. That means you get full access to all the features, no matter which plan you choose. All plans cover premium updates and support for 1 year.

Take Back Control and Save Time with Link Whisper

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Link Whisper offers a 30-day money back guarantee.

Try the plugin for 30 days 100% risk-free from the day of purchase. If for any reason you’re not happy, you’ll get a full refund. No questions asked.

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What does Link Whisper do?

Link Whisper speeds up and optimizes your internal link strategy. It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to find relevant anchor text suggestions for related articles.

Is Link Whisper free?

Yes. Link Whisper has a free version that you can download from the WordPress plugin repository.

The free plugin shows the number of inbound and outbound internal links and outbound external links from the reports screen.

It also provides link suggestions in posts and makes it easier to insert internal links into the page.

Is there a discount code for Link Whisper?

There sure is. Use code ** at the checkout to get $x off.

How long does it take to add links?

It takes anywhere between a few seconds to a couple of minutes per post.

All you have to do is scroll to the bottom of the post edit screen, select which links you want to add, then click the Insert Links button.

The time it takes depends on how many links you select and how much you want to edit the link and surrounding text.

In a customer case study, Nina Clapperton added all internal links to 160+ articles in just a few hours.

Will Link Whisper slow down my site?

No. Link Whisper’s code is very clean and the plugin doesn’t add anything extra to the page, other than the HTML for the links.

Will my links disappear if I uninstall the plugin?

No. All links you create with Link Whisper will stay intact on your site, even if you uninstall and delete the plugin.

Does Link Whisper only work on WordPress?

Link Whisper is a free and paid WordPress plugin.

However, there’s a Shopify app that does the same job, but for Shopify stores.

Will Link Whisper work with other SEO plugins?

Yes. Link Whisper is completely compatible with other SEO plugins.

They even complement each other, because Link Whisper can take the target keyword from Yoast and RankMath to help with link suggestions.

Who is the founder of Link Whisper?

Spencer Haws is the founder of Link Whisper and Niche Pursuits. He’s been building online businesses full-time since 2011.

He created Link Whisper to help other niche and authority site builders save time building internal links and improving on-page SEO.

Link Whisper Review Conclusion

So there you have it, our comprehensive Link Whisper review.

When you’re faced with the task of creating internal links, Link Whisper totally has your back.

The burden of manually inserting links is a thing of the past.

And with a centralized location to manage links on your site, you’ll feel more organized than ever.

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