How to Install and Activate Link Whisper

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How to Install and Activate Link Whisper

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To install Link Whisper on your site, you will need first to download it to your computer. You can download your copy of Link Whisper from multiple sources. You can download it immediately after purchase on the Order Confirmation page. From the Activation Email that is sent when the purchase is confirmed. And you can download it from the My Account page on

When you download Link Whisper, be sure to copy the License Key to your clipboard. You will need the License Key later to activate Link Whisper on your site.

Downloading Link Whisper from the Order Confirmation page.


Downloading Link Whisper from the Activation Email.


Downloading Link Whisper from the My Account page on


Once you have downloaded Link Whisper to your computer, it’s time to upload it to your site. To do this, go to the WordPress Admin and in the Plugins menu item, click the “Add New” link.

At the top of the “Add New” page is an “Upload Plugins” button. Click on it to open the plugin uploading form.


Inside the plugin uploading form, you’ll see a button called “Choose File”, click on it to open a file browsing window. Inside the window, find and select the Link Whisper files that you just downloaded and click the “Open” button.


When you’ve opened the files, click on the “Install Now” button to install the Link Whisper files on your site.


Your site will handle the rest of the file installation. When the installation is complete, click on the “Activate Plugin” button. There are still a few more steps before Link Whisper is fully operational, but we’re getting close.


Link Whisper isn’t truly active on your site until you’ve entered the License Key. Until that point, it is dormant and waiting to be activated.

To activate Link Whisper, please first go to your email, and open the activation email you recieved when you purchased Link Whisper. Inside the email is a welcome message with starting information, a link to download Link Whisper, and the license key. Please copy the license key from this email.


Once you’ve copied the license key, go back to your site’s WordPress admin and click on the Link Whisper menu item. This will take you to the Link Whisper Licensing page.


Inside the Link Whisper Licensing page is the form for activating the Link Whisper license. To activate your license, please paste the license key you copied from the activation email into the “License Key” input, then click the “Activate License” to button activate Link Whisper.

Link Whisper will tell you if the activation was successful or not. If any errors occur during activation, Link Whisper will tell you about them in the “License Message” field.


Once the license is successfully activated, the final step to make Link Whisper fully operational is to run a Link Scan. The scan gathers data about all the links on your site, and Link Whisper needs it in order to show you reports and to make accurate suggestions.

Click on the “Complete Install” button to go to the Dashboard page and activate the scan.


On the Dashboard page, you’ll see a simple form with a button for activating the initial scan. Click the button, and Link Whisper will begin scanning your site’s content for links. It also takes this opportunity to finish setting up some of the database tables it will need when operating.

The scan is pretty quick for most sites, but larger ones will take longer. If you close the browser tab that’s running the scan, the scan will exit and need to be restarted later.


When the scan is complete, you will have access to the full Dashboard and all of the features offered by Link Whisper.

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