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After connecting Google Search Console, please be sure to click “Refresh Keywords” in the target keywords report. Refreshing the Target Keywords will download all the Google Search Console data the first time.
How to connect to Google Search Console
To connect your installation of Link Whisper to Google Search Console, go to the Link Whisper settings and open the “Advanced Settings” tab. Inside the tab, you’ll see a button called “Authorize Link Whisper”. Click on the button to begin the connection procedure.

Once you click the button, you’ll be redirected to an authentication page provided by Google. From the list of accounts shown on that page, pick the one you used to log into Google Search Console to view this site’s data.
The account needs to be able to log into Google Search Console. If it can’t, then it won’t be able to grant the permissions Link Whisper needs.

Once you’ve picked the account you want to use, you’ll be asked to choose what permissions to grant Link Whisper. The permissions needed are selected by default, so all you have to do is click “Continue” to proceed.

If the connection is successful, Link Whisper will output a success message to let us know. The next step after this is to go to the Target Keyword report and download the Google Search Console data.

Downloading the Google Search Console data
In the upper left of the Target Keyword page is the”Refresh Target Keywords” button. Click it to begin the download.

Link Whisper will ask us to confirm that we want to run the scan now. Since the GSC data download can take a long time, it wants to make sure we didn’t click the button by mistake.

After confirming, we just let Link Whisper run the download. The download will take some time. Large sites can take 30-60 minutes for the whole scan to complete. Due to the nature of the scan, closing the tab while it’s running will cancel it. To download the data, you will need to restart the scan from the beginning and run it to completion.

When the scan has completed, the Google Search Console data will be available to Link Whisper. At the moment, it is used for creating Target Keywords and for giving you click and position stats for your posts.