Video trouble? Watch on YouTube Using “Auto-links” you can link to a URL of your choice any time a given...
Video trouble? Watch on YouTube After connecting Google Search Console, please be sure to click “Refresh Keywords” in the...
Video trouble? Watch on YouTube
Video trouble? Watch on YouTube Please note that the first time you use the error report, you should click the...
Video trouble? Watch on YouTube Notes on functionality: The URL Changer can change both relative and absolute URLs across...
With the release of version 1.6.0, Link Whisper will now allow you to connect sites together so you can make...
How does Link Whisper use Target Keywords? Target Keywords are used to tell Link Whisper what keywords you want a...
You can select which Auto Links are inserted by using the Auto Link Settings. Before you create an Auto Link...
You can set the Auto Linking to ignore certain posts so it doesn’t insert links in them. To ignore these...
You can set Link Whisper to insert relative links by going to the settings and activating the “Insert Links as...