Launching with Link Whisper 2.0 is the ability to create autolinks in bulk!
You can now create autolinks in bulk based on a CSV file of Keyword-URL pairs, as well as by direct input via text fields. We’ll be covering both methods so you’ll be able to choose the one you prefer.
Once you’ve imported the inputted data, you’ll be given a chance to look over the possible autolinks and make any adjustments needed before Link Whisper inserts them into posts. You’ll also be able to adjust the settings for the proposed autolinks.
Getting Started.
The first step is in going to the Auto-Linking page, choosing “Bulk Create Autolink Rules” from the “Bulk Action” dropdown & then clicking on “Do Bulk Action”. This will open the interface for importing and creating the autolinking rules.

Once open, you’ll be given your choice of import method. If you want to close the interface at any time, click on the blue “X” button or click outside the interface. Closing the interface will clear any data entered in it.

Importing autolink rules from CSV file.
Importing the autolinks from a CSV file will require you to have created a .CSV file of autolink Keyword-URL pairs in your text editor or spreadsheet software of choice. The format is basic, each row only contains the autolink’s keyword and its link URL. No setting data is included in the import, and any additional columns will be ignored during the import.
To make it easier to get started, we’ve included a sample .CSV file with example data in Link Whisper that you can download from the bulk autolink interface. Simply replace the example autolink data with the data you want to create, and upload the file to Link Whisper for processing.

When the file is uploaded, click the “Import Autolink Rules” button to import the data into Link Whisper. You will get an opportunity to review the autolinking rules before they’re created, and make any adjustments that need to be done.

Importing autolink rules from field input.
Importing autolinks from fields in Link Whisper is quick and easy. To import the data, first change the input method from “CSV Import” to “Field Import”. The interface will change so the .CSV file import controls will be replaced with two text fields. The field on the left is for the Autolink Keywords, and the one on the right is for the Autolink URLs.

For each autolinking rule you want to create, add one keyword on its own line in the Keywords field, and one URL in the Links field on the right. To create multiple autolinking rules, just add more rows of Keywords and Links.

(There should be the same number of Keyword and Link rows, Link Whisper will ignore any keywords or links that it can’t pair up.)
Preparing the autolinking rules.
When you are ready to import the autolinking rule data, click the “Import Autolink Rules” button. Link Whisper will import and process the data into rows of autolinking Keyword-URL pairs.
The Keywords and URLs for each autolinking rule can be edited from this display. So if you need to edit a keyword a little or change a URL, you can do it here.
If there’s any rules you don’t want to create, simply uncheck the “Create” checkbox next to the rule, and Link Whisper will skip creating the rule.

Each imported autolinking rule has its own setting controls, so you’re able to individually set each rule’s settings without impacting the settings of other rules.

Creating the autolinking rules and inserting the links.
When you’re satisfied with the proposed keywords, it’s time to create the autolinking rules and begin the link insertion process. To do this, click the “Create Autolinks” button at the bottom of the interface.

Then it’s time to take a break and do something else while Link Whisper does its work. First it will create the autolinking rules, then it will begin inserting all the autolinks into your page’s content.
The process only runs while the Bulk Create interface is open, and closing it will cancel the process.

As the process continues, the loading bar will display a message to tell you about the progress so far.

When the process is complete, the page will reload so you can see the created autolinking rules and all of their inserted links.