Link Whisper Now Detects Your Missing Product and Affiliate Links with AI!

If you sell your own products or promote affiliate products on your website, then you know that links to those products are critical to your bottom line.

What if I told you that with AI you can now detect which products are mentioned on your website…that DON’T have affiliate links being used?

In other words, the AI will detect potential missed opportunities where you could monetize your articles better!

Well, this is exactly what a brand new feature of Link Whisper does!

Last week, I explained that Link Whisper now integrates with OpenAI to help build topical clusters and visual sitemaps.

You can read more about that new visual topical clusters feature here .

However, as part of this new AI integration…Link Whisper can now visually show you your product “maps”.

In a nutshell, using AI, Link Whisper detects all the products mentioned for any given article and quickly shows you which ones are “unlinked”.

These unlinked products are opportunities.

In order to access this feature in Link Whisper, simply go to Reports > Visual Sitemaps, and then select “AI-Detected Product Sitemap” in the dropdown menu.

Here’s an example of what that AI Detected Product Sitemap looks like:


This shows just one article on my site. This article mentions several products or brands like Lululemon sportswear, Toms shoewear, and Allbirds sneakers.

All of these COULD be affiliate links, but they currently are not.

These are missed opportunities on my site.

With Link Whisper + AI, I can now quickly view at a high level which missed opportunities I have for product links, and I can decide if I want to add those links.

If you already have Link Whisper, be sure to integrate with OpenAI first using these steps here.​

Then take it for a spin and let me know what you think!

If you don’t have Link Whisper yet, I highly recommend you check out these new AI features we just released last week!

You can get the visual AI sitemaps (to quickly see your topical clusters and missing internal links), as well as the AI Detected Product Sitemaps.

If you don’t currently own Link Whisper, go ahead and get $25 off the regular price with this special link here.​

(Discount will be applied at the checkout page).

And as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here.

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