Link Whisper Can Now Build AI Powered Sitemaps with OpenAI!

I’m excited to announce that you can now use the power of artificial intelligence with your internal link building!

As the founder of Link Whisper, I’ve always tried to make building internal links faster, easier, and smarter.

And now we integrate with Open AI to use the latest technology in AI with Link Whisper.

If you already own Link Whisper, this new feature (explained below) is already released!

If you don’t currently own Link Whisper, go ahead and get a small discount here when you buy Link Whisper today. ​

Welcome to AI Visual Sitemaps

Our first step (there will be more in the future) into true AI is with visual sitemaps.

The feature just released allows Link Whisper to build a visual sitemap using AI of all the content that AI believes should be clustered together. See the image below.


This is a topical cluster map built 100% with AI.

(If you own Link Whisper, just go to Link Whisper > Reports > Sitemaps > AI Sitemap).

Now, if I zoom in to a particular cluster, I start to see more details, like below:


This is a cluster that AI believes should all be linked together, and I think it did a pretty good job (all about making money with a website or blog).

Now, here’s where the real power comes in.

Link Whisper will then show you which of these connections actually have internal links already…and which ones are missing!

I can click a box that says “Show Existing Links” and the green lines show which internal links already exist on my site:

Then I can check a box that says “Show Unlinked” and the links that DO NOT exist on my site yet, will show up in blue.


Now I can CLEARLY see which links I need to build in order to strengthen the topical cluster.

This is a big signal to Google!

Oh, but Link Whisper doesn’t stop there. I can then right-click on the unlinked line that I want to create and Link Whisper shows a “Create Inbound Link” button.

I can simply click the button and Link Whisper will take me to the build inbound links screen where I can add an inbound internal link!

I think it’s a pretty cool feature!

As a heads up, you WILL need to connect your own OpenAI API key. Just go to Settings > AI Settings.

So, you will have a small charge from OpenAI the first time you generate this sitemap. But to give you an idea, I have 3,200 blog posts on Niche Pursuits and it cost me $7.13.

And when you have your sitemap in place, there are no ongoing OpenAI charges. Its a one time charge once its scanned your entire site.

In addition, the normal Link Suggestions for Link Whisper are not fully AI powered yet. That will be the next phase of Link Whisper, to expand the AI enhancement.

But for now, I hope you enjoy the AI sitemaps!

Go ahead and snag your copy of Link Whisper here for a small discount to celebrate this new AI release!

Or if you already own Link Whisper, just update to the latest version, integrate with OpenAI, and start using the AI sitemaps!

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