What do each of the AI methods of Link Whisper do?

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What do each of the AI methods of Link Whisper do?

Link Whisper currently offers 3 different AI methods to process your site’s data and provide you with AI-powered features. Each method powers a different feature, and you can choose the ones that you want to have active on your site.

The AI Relation Analysis scans your site’s posts to determine how related they all are to each other. This data is used for generating the AI Sitemap, making the Related Posts widget more accurate, and for sorting and filtering suggestions by how related they are to the target post.

The Product Detection scan examines each post’s content to create a list of all the products or services mentioned in its content. The data is used to generate the AI-Detected Product Sitemap so you can visualize the products mentions on the site, and identify potential linking opportunities.

The Keyword Analysis scans each of your site’s posts to generate a list of Target Keywords based on the post’s content. The generated Target Keywords are then used in the Suggestions to make better linking suggestions.

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