The AI Sitemap is a powerful new feature that you can use to create internal links. It works by using AI to asess what posts are related to each other and creating a web-like map of all the posts that are related to each other.
Working with this web of related posts, Link Whisper can point out which related posts have links, and the ones that do not. This data can be extremely powerful in guiding and helping to fill out your site’s linking network.
To get started, we first need to go to the Visual Sitemaps report, and open the AI Sitemap from the list of available maps.
Once the map loads, we’ll see the full list of all the site’s posts, linked and clustered based on the AI assessment of how related all the posts are to each other.

When we select the AI Sitemap, the Sitemap Settings section will give us two extra setting options: “Show Linked” and “Show Unlinked.”
“Show Linked” highlights all of the relations between posts that have links, while “Show Unlinked” highlights all of the relations that do not have links.
For our purposes, we’ll click on “Show Unlinked” and see what the sitemap has to show us.
In this case, we have a lot of potential links available. All of the blue lines indicate that the posts are related, but there’s no link going between them.

To create a link between two posts, we first need to hover the mouse over one of the lines where we want to create a link.
When we do this, the line will highlight, and the post that the link will be pointing to will turn purple. If we want to change what post is going to be the link target, we just need to move the mouse closer to the post at the other end of the line, and that post will highlight purple.

(Something to note, the sitemap is currently telling us what posts don’t have links, but that doesn’t mean that Link Whisper has identified a linking opportunity. It’s possible that there won’t be any sentences that we can insert a link into, and the post will need to be modified to be able to insert a link.)
When we’re ready to create the link, we right click on the line that we’re hovering and the “Create Inbound Link” menu will appear. Clicking on the menu will take us to the Inbound Suggestions page so we can create the link.

This version of the Inbound Suggestions page is a little different from the usual one. In this case, we’re only looking for links that could be inserted in the post opposite the purple one on the AI Sitemap.
Once we’ve selected a link that we like, we can click the “Add Links” button, and the new inbound link will be inserted!