The AI Sitemap says all the posts on my site are related to each other, how do I fix this?

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The AI Sitemap says all the posts on my site are related to each other, how do I fix this?

Some sites have posts that are very similar to each other, and this can cause the AI Sitemap to consider too many posts to be related to each other.

In some rare cases, all of the posts on the site can be considered related:

You can fix this by increasing Link Whisper’s threshold for how similar posts need to be in order to be considered related in the AI Sitemap. By increasing the threshold, you’re telling Link Whisper that the posts need to be even more similar before they should be considered related. To adjust the threshold, please go to:

Link Whisper -> Settings -> AI Settings

And then find the “Sitemap Relatedness Threshold” setting. To increase the threshold, please drag the purple slider to the right. By default, the threshold is set to 85%, and increasing it by 5% and testing works well.

Once you have done this and have saved the settings, you will need to go back to:

Link Whisper -> Reports -> Visual Sitemaps

Once there, please click on “Generate Sitemaps”, as this will be necessary to re-process the relatedness data. When the generation has completed, please check the AI Sitemap to see how the picture looks now.

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