11 On-Page SEO Benefits and Why It’s So Valuable

Wondering if on-page SEO can help boost organic traffic and income?

Or is it all hype?

Well, this post reveals 11 on-page SEO benefits so that you can be the judge for yourself.

You’ll discover how it can help you:

  • Find relevant content
  • Rank for untapped keywords
  • Build brand reputation
  • And more

We also answer some pressing questions that many people asked when optimizing for on-page SEO.

Let’s jump in.

11 Benefits of On-Page SEO You Should Know About

On-page SEO is an attractive method for higher rankings and increased traffic, especially when you know the benefits.

And these 11 on-page SEO benefits will certainly get you excited to start implementing it.

1. Helps You Find Keywords and Content Ideas

As an SEO, blogger, or content marketer, it can be challenging to find new content ideas.

But when you post well-optimized and helpful content on your site, there’s a tool that will reveal tons of untapped keywords and content ideas.

The tool?

Google Search Console.

That’s right. Google themselves are a powerhouse for uncovering new content ideas to write about.

The best part is that these ideas will be super easy to rank for when you find them.

Here’s how it works.

Inside your Search Console account, you’ll see a list of keywords your site shows up for.

Looking through this list will often provide you with new content ideas you haven’t yet published.

For example:

This blog post on my tech blog is titled, how to setup a youtube livestream:

on-page seo benefits - find new keywords

But, it also ranks for “youtube live streaming requirements”, which is different enough to include as a separate article:

search console content ideas

That’s not the only one I found either. There were at least another three article ideas I could add, just from this one published post on my site.

This is impressive, because this is a tiny blog with only 7 articles. And it was only possible because I optimized the page for on-page SEO.

Moreover, because I already rank for these terms, it’ll be very easy to rank them as individual posts.

And due to their relevancy, posting all of them and creating internal links between them will boost all of their rankings.

If you want a fast way to create internal links, see how this internal linking tool can help.

2. It’s Cheap (or Free)

Implementing on-page SEO can be very inexpensive and oftentimes free.

For example, keyword research tools have become more affordable in recent years.

If you use a tool like Keywords Everywhere , you get search volume data for 100,000 keywords for just $10.

All inside your browser.

Optimizing subheadings, SEO titles, and descriptions don’t cost a thing.

Site speed and image optimization have free and low-cost options.

As well as internal links. You can either do it manually or use an inexpensive tool like Link Whisper to save you time.

Then, there’s the content itself.

Writing content yourself only costs you time. However, it’s become much easier to find writers online who charge pennies per word.

Not to mention the influx of AI tools like Jasper and ChatGPT.

The vast number of online resources and the abundance of information makes on-page SEO a strategy worth considering.

3. Increases Traffic and CTR

on-page seo benefits - Higher traffic and CTR

The more content you have and the more optimized it is for SEO, the more chances you have of ranking organically.

Checking what already ranks in Google provides you with enough insights to replicate similar results.

And when you do, your search rankings rise naturally.

When your rankings reach position 3 or above, you can expect to see much higher traffic spikes.

Optimizing things like the meta title can influence higher click-through rates too.

And if your content satisfies the user, it positively impacts your overall rankings, creating a compounding effect of more traffic.

4. More Leads and Sales

Many people think the more traffic they receive, the more sales they’ll get.

But this isn’t always the case.

To increase leads and sales, you need the right type of traffic, not more of it.

Making improvements to your on-page SEO can help you achieve that.

One example is to match the search intent.

This will ensure your content fulfills the purpose of the search query.

When the majority of your visitors feel satisfied, they are more likely to trust you, become a subscriber, and buy more of your stuff.

If you’re an affiliate marketer, your audience will be more inclined to trust your product recommendations.

And if your blog is monetized with display ads, readers will stay on your site for longer, boosting your ad revenue.

5. You Have Full Control

To start seeing the benefits of on-page SEO, it only takes action on your part.

You don’t have to follow specific trends, prey your content gets shared, or worry about how many backlinks you get.

All that’s needed is an understanding of the basics that makes content rank.

People shy away from SEO because they think they’re governed by the rules of Google and search engine algorithms.

But this is entirely true.

When you realize that all the algorithm does is try to mimic human psychology, you can focus on a people-first approach.

As long as your content provides value and satisfies your audience’s needs, you’re already halfway there.

6. Improves Crawl Rate

Crawl rate is the number of requests Googlebot makes to your site per second when crawling it.

Google must be able to crawl your pages, otherwise, they won’t be indexed and won’t show in results.

Luckily, Google is good at finding content and adding it to the index.

However, a site that isn’t optimized, can sometimes cause problems.

To give yourself the best chance for Googlebot to do its job properly, you can follow these best on-page SEO practices:

  1. Optimize your page speed. You can do this by using a decent web host, minimizing files, and using a caching plugin.
  2. Add internal links. This helps Googlebot navigate all of your site’s content. Link Whisper is an excellent tool to help you add more internal links in less time.
  3. Avoid orphan pages. An orphan page is a page with no internal links pointing to them, which prevents them from being found. You can see a list of orphan pages inside Link Whisper.

7. Higher Search Engine Rankings

Better on-page SEO results in higher rankings.

It’s as simple as that.

And higher rankings mean more organic traffic.

Why is this important?

Well, the difference between ranking in position 5 and position 3, accounts for a 74% rise in organic traffic. That’s a big jump.

Image source: Backlinko.com

Looking at the image above, we can calculate how much traffic you can receive by adding up the search volumes of all the keywords a page ranks for.

Let’s say there are 10 keywords with an average of 200 search volume each.

That’s a potential of 2000 people seeing your article if it shows on the first page of Google.

Here’s the estimated traffic you can expect to see for different positions:

  • Position 10: 48 clicks
  • Position 5: 126 clicks
  • Position 1: 552 clicks

As you can see, moving up the SERPS makes a significant difference to your traffic potential.

And making on-page SEO a priority will increase those odds.

8. Better User Experience

When you optimize your website for on-page SEO, you’re essentially improving user experience .

And user experience is vital in maintaining positive search rankings and happy visitors.

When you understand how people consume information and what creates a bad experience, it’s easy to get better results.

So instead of making decisions based on-page SEO factors alone, think about users too.

Make each post and page hyper-relevant to its primary keyword.

Choose a design and layout that puts emphasis on the content and avoids distractions.

And provide fewer options that might cause decision fatigue.

Following any principles that enhance user experience will always drive better results.

9. Reach Local Customers

If you run a business locally, on-page SEO is an excellent way to improve local rankings.

And if you target local search terms, they’ll be easier to rank for than national or global terms.

For example, an Italian restaurant in New York City could write about the food they deliver in the area, directions from popular landmarks, and offers for upcoming events.

Optimizing for popular local keywords will ensure people in the area can find you.

10. Brand Visibility

Adding optimized content to your site means more exposure in search results.

Even if you aren’t number one for every term, the more effort you put into on-page SEO the more times people will notice your brand.

Over time, this visibility adds more value to your brand and reputation, keeping its name in the minds of the searcher.

And the more often your site shows up in organic results the more recognition your business will receive.

11. Improves Page and Domain Authority

Contrary to popular belief, backlinks from other sites aren’t the only way to improve page and domain authority.

That’s just one external factor.

But, many on-page factors improve PR and DR.

For instance, images provide value to the overall content of the page and give page rank a small boost.

Moreover, internal links help build topical relevance and domain authority.

Thus, sending even more positive signals to Google that your website means business.


Got some questions? Here are frequently asked questions many people have with on-page SEO.

What is better to use on-page or off-page SEO?

This is an ongoing debate in the SEO world because it’s difficult to choose one over the other.

If you don’t want to build backlinks, do guest posts, or be active on social media, then on-page is best for you.

Also read: On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO: What’s The Difference, and Which Should You Focus on First?

How effective is off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is effective when done right.

However, it’s still important to have a well-optimized site for on-page SEO.

Focusing only on one over the other won’t give as good a result.

Do I need SEO for every page?

Yes. Each page should target a unique keyword and follow SEO basics for every page.

It’s also important to consider an internal linking strategy, which connects all your optimized pages together for the best results.

Does page layout affect SEO?

Yes. Layout and design affect user experience, which is an important ranking factor.

It also plays a role in other areas, such as site performance and branding, which can directly or indirectly affect SEO.

What are the 3 most important ranking factors in on-page SEO?

This is difficult to say exactly which are the best on-page SEO factors, as only Google or other search engines know this information.

However, Google wants to provide the best possible experience for the user, so quality content, relevancy, search intent, and internal links are all possible contenders.

Conclusion: 11 On-Page SEO Benefits

There you have it. Which of these on-page SEO benefits intrigues you most?

Sure, there are many ways to drive traffic, but SEO and content marketing yield an impressive ROI when done right.

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