How do I search for suggestions based on a keyword?

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How do I search for suggestions based on a keyword?

You can search for suggestions for a specific post from the Inbound Links Suggestions page. From there, you’ll be able to enter keywords that Link Whisper will use to search your entire site for possible links to the current post.

The first step is to go to the Links Report and click on the Add Inbound Internal links button for the post you want to point links to.


When the Inbound Links Suggestions page is open and finished loading, you can search for suggestions by keyword. When you enter a keyword to search for, Link Whisper will look for possible suggestions to the current post that contain the keywords.

This is an actual live search for suggestions and isn’t just a filtering of the existing results. So Link Whisper will search your site to see if it can find suggestions for your keyword.

If it does find some matches for your keyword, it will show them in the suggestions panel.

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