You can set Link Whisper to open preexisting links and links it didn’t create from the settings. These settings are in the “Advanced Settings” tab of the settings.
Activating the “All internal links open in new tab” option causes all post content links to open in new tabs if they point to pages on the current site.
Activating the “All external links open in new tab” option causes all post content links to open in new tabs if they point to a site other than the current one.
These options do not permanently change the links, so turning them off will cause the links to not open in new tabs. Also, these options do not add frontend scripts to change the links. So no JavaScript files will be loaded as a result of activating them.
If you find that links aren’t opening into new tabs, you can activate the “Use JS to force opening in new tabs” option. Activating this option will tell Link Whisper to use JavaScript to make the links open into new tabs.
Since this is a frontend approach to opening the links, this may add a JavaScript file to your pages. The file is the Link Whisper frontend script. If you have Click Tracking active, then this file is already added to your pages. If not, then activating this option will include the file.
Using JavaScript to force link opening shouldn’t be needed for sites built with the WordPress Classic editor or Gutenburg. If your site is built with a page builder, you may need to activate this option.