You can delete all of the data Link Whisper has created on your site by activating the “Delete all Link Whisper data” option in the Link Whisper settings, and deleting the plugin.
All Link Whisper created data will be removed except for any links that have been added. All of the report data, the settings and the licensing information will be removed from the site. Also all the URL Changer’s reference data will be removed, so it won’t be possible to “Undo” existing url changes after the data is deleted.
The first step is to go to the settings and activate the data deletion option.

Link Whisper will ask you to confirm that you want to delete all of it’s data from the site.

If you confirm that you want to delete all the data, Link Whisper will activate the option and save the settings.
You can deactivate the delete option at any time. Just click the option off and save the settings like you would for any other setting.

Once Link Whisper saves the setting, go to the plugins page and delete the plugin. When you click the “Delete” button, your site will delete the Link Whisper files and all of its stored data.