Welcome to the tutorial videos for Link Whisper, the ultimate internal linking tool!
Using “Auto-links” you can you can link to a URL of your choice any time a given keyword is mentioned on your site. So, if you want to link to a certain page every time the phrase “best survival knife” is mentioned, you can make that happen automatically in the auto-linking feature.
The will not only link from any past mentions of the phrase, but will also automatically add a link any time you mention the keyword phrase in the future.
Please note that the first time you use the error report, you should click the “Reset Data” button if the scan process does not start automatically for you.
After connecting Google Search Console, please be sure to click “Refresh Keywords” in the target keywords report. This will pull in all the Google Search Console data the first time.
Speed Up the Process of Internal Linking and Help You Rank Better in Google
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