Link Whisper comes with an optional setting to scan for ALL links on each page. By default, it only scans the main content areas to avoid pulling in links from the header, footer and widgets. But you can tell Link Whisper that you want it to include all site links no matter where they’re from.
This will take extra time in the link scan since there’s more content to go over. Also the Link Report will now tell you where on the page the link is located.
To activate this scanning mode, go to the settings and open the “Advanced Settings” tab. On the page is an option called “Count Non-Content Links”.

Check the option to change the scanning mode. Link Whisper will ask to confirm that you want to change the scanning mode and notify you that a link scan will need to be run. Click the “I Understand” button to confirm. The settings will automatically update once you click it.

After running the link scan, all of the items listed in the Links Report will include links from the header and footer. All of the links shown in the dropdowns will include where on the page they were found.