TinyPNG vs WP Rocket: Image Optimization Plugin Showdown

Optimizing images is an essential aspect of website performance and user experience. In this article, we’ll be comparing two popular image optimization tools: TinyPNG and WP Rocket. These tools help website owners reduce image file sizes without compromising visual quality, ultimately leading to faster loading web pages.

TinyPNG is a widely used, free online compression tool that specifically targets Portable Network Graphics (PNG) and Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) images. WP Rocket, on the other hand, is a versatile, premium WordPress plugin that offers a range of performance improvements in addition to image optimization. Both tools have their own unique features, offering different solutions to optimize images and improve the overall website experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Image optimization is crucial for website performance and user experience
  • TinyPNG is a free tool specializing in PNG and JPEG image compression
  • WP Rocket is a premium WordPress plugin offering broader performance improvements

Understanding Image Optimization

Image optimization plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance and speed of our websites. By optimizing images, we can significantly reduce the file sizes, making our web pages load faster and thereby improving user experience.

There are two primary methods of image compression: lossy and lossless. Lossy compression reduces the image’s file size by discarding some data from the original image. This method can lead to a notable decrease in image quality, but it usually provides greater compression rates. On the other hand, lossless compression retains all the data from the original image but results in a relatively smaller reduction in file size as compared to lossy compression.

When it comes to selecting the right compression method, we need to consider the trade-off between image quality and performance. Lossy compression might be more suitable for images that can afford a slight loss of quality to improve the overall website performance. Lossless compression is best for images that need to maintain the highest possible quality, such as professional photographs or design elements.

In addition to image compression, there are also other techniques that help optimize images for better performance. Some of these techniques include resizing images to fit the specific dimensions required by the website layout, converting images to more efficient file formats, and implementing lazy loading to only load images when they are in the viewer’s frame.

To ensure that we achieve an optimal balance between image quality and performance, it is essential to use the right image optimization tools. This is where solutions like TinyPNG and WP Rocket come into the picture. These tools help streamline the image optimization process by providing various features, such as automatic image resizing, lossy and lossless compression options, and integration with content delivery networks (CDNs) to further enhance website speed.

TinyPNG and WP Rocket Overview

When it comes to optimizing images for your WordPress website, two popular tools come to mind: TinyPNG and WP Rocket. Both of these plugins are designed to help improve the performance of your website by reducing image file sizes without sacrificing quality. Let’s explore each of these tools in more detail.

TinyPNG is a well-known image compression tool that specializes in reducing the file sizes of JPEG and PNG images. It does this by intelligently removing unnecessary data from the images while maintaining their visual quality. One of the key advantages of using TinyPNG is its simplicity; the user interface is clean and easy to navigate, making it an ideal choice for those who are new to image optimization.

On the other hand, WP Rocket is a full-featured caching and performance plugin for WordPress. While it does include an image optimization feature, its primary focus is on providing a comprehensive set of performance improvements for your website, such as caching, preload, lazy loading of images, and more. The WP Rocket interface is also user-friendly, making it accessible to beginners and experts alike.

In terms of compatibility, both TinyPNG and WP Rocket work seamlessly with WordPress. They offer easy installation and configuration, allowing you to start optimizing your website in no time. However, it’s worth noting that while TinyPNG specifically targets JPEG and PNG formats, WP Rocket is capable of optimizing a broader range of files, including PDFs.

When it comes to features, both plugins offer a variety of options to enhance user experience. For example, TinyPNG allows you to optimize images as you upload them to your site, while WP Rocket enables you to use its built-in CDN service, called RocketCDN, for a more comprehensive performance boost.

TinyPNG and WP Rocket are both powerful tools that can help you optimize your WordPress website’s images and improve overall performance. While TinyPNG focuses on image compression for JPEG and PNG formats, WP Rocket provides a complete performance suite that includes image optimization and caching. By understanding your website’s specific needs and choosing the best tools accordingly, you can create an optimized, user-friendly experience that keeps your visitors coming back for more.

Diving Deeper into Compression

When it comes to image optimization, both TinyPNG and WP Rocket offer solutions to improve a website’s performance and load times. In this section, we will dive deeper into the different compression techniques used by these tools to optimize images.

First, let’s discuss the importance of image compression. Large image files can greatly slow down a website’s load time, negatively affecting the user experience and search engine rankings. By compressing images, we can reduce their file size without sacrificing quality, leading to faster load times and better performance.

There are two main types of image compression: lossy and lossless. Lossy compression reduces the file size by removing some data from the image, which can lead to a slight reduction in quality. However, this quality loss is often negligible and not noticeable to the naked eye. On the other hand, lossless compression maintains the original image quality but usually results in a larger file size compared to lossy compression.

Compress JPEG & PNG Images, a free plugin, focuses on image compression and uses the TinyJPG and TinyPNG API to optimize images. This tool supports both lossy and lossless compression, allowing users to choose the best option for their needs. It is important to note that in order to access these optimization services, users need to obtain an API key.

WP Rocket, a premium plugin, offers a broader performance improvement, including caching and lazy loading features. Though WP Rocket does not directly provide image compression options, it does include lazy loading for images. This allows images to load only when they appear on the user’s screen, improving page load times. It’s worth mentioning that WP Rocket can be used in conjunction with other image optimization plugins for optimal results.

While both TinyPNG and WP Rocket provide solutions for website optimization, they approach it from different angles. TinyPNG focuses on image compression techniques, allowing users to choose between lossy and lossless compression. Conversely, WP Rocket focuses on performance enhancements, such as caching and lazy loading, making it a versatile option for improving site speed. Combining these tools can result in optimal website performance and enhanced user experience.

Image Formats Supported

When optimizing images, it is essential to understand the file formats supported by the different plugins. In this section, we’ll discuss the image formats supported by TinyPNG and WP Rocket.

TinyPNG focuses mainly on two file formats: JPEG and PNG. These are the most common image formats used on websites today, and TinyPNG does an excellent job of compressing and reducing the file sizes of these images without compromising their quality.

On the other hand, WP Rocket supports a variety of image formats , including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP. The WebP image format is particularly notable, as it is a next-generation format developed by Google. This format has been designed to provide superior compression and better image quality than traditional formats like JPEG or PNG.

By offering support for WebP, WP Rocket ensures that your website is ready for the future of image optimization, as more browsers and devices adopt this technology. Using WebP images can further improve your site’s performance and user experience, especially on mobile devices, where small file sizes and fast load times are crucial.

In addition to WebP, WP Rocket’s support for GIFs allows it to handle animated images as well. This is useful if your website relies heavily on animated content, as GIF files can be quite large and slow down your website if not properly optimized.

Both TinyPNG and WP Rocket offer excellent support for image file formats. However, WP Rocket’s support for WebP and GIF puts it a step ahead, especially for websites looking to adopt cutting-edge technology and stay ahead of the competition.

In-Depth Look at Optimization Tools

When it comes to optimizing images on WordPress websites, we have a myriad of options to choose from. The most popular options include image compression plugins, image optimizer plugins, and WordPress image optimization plugins. In this section, we will dive into the details of two powerful optimization tools: TinyPNG and WP Rocket.

TinyPNG is a widely used image compression plugin that focuses on reducing the file size of images without compromising their quality. It offers an intuitive dashboard where users can manually compress images before uploading them to their WordPress websites. The plugin also supports bulk optimization, making it an efficient choice for optimizing multiple images at once.

On the other hand, WP Rocket is more than just an image optimization plugin. It is a comprehensive performance improvement solution, offering extensive features that speed up WordPress websites. While TinyPNG focuses primarily on image compression, WP Rocket provides a broader set of optimizations such as caching, minification, and lazy loading. These additional features make WP Rocket an all-in-one WordPress optimization plugin that caters to various aspects of website performance.

When comparing the two plugins in terms of image optimization, both tools demonstrate excellent capabilities. TinyPNG shines in the realm of image compression, while WP Rocket integrates a number of advanced features to deliver overall website performance enhancements.

With numerous WordPress image optimizer plugins available today, it can be challenging to determine the best solution for your website. To make an informed decision, it is crucial to understand your priorities and performance objectives. If your primary need is image compression, TinyPNG could be an ideal choice. However, if you are seeking a well-rounded solution that optimizes multiple facets of your website, WP Rocket may be a better fit. Ultimately, the right optimization tool will depend on the specific requirements of your WordPress website and the desired outcome.

File Size and Resolution Management

When optimizing images on a WordPress website, managing file size and resolution are key factors. In our experience with TinyPNG and WP Rocket, we have found that both tools handle these aspects effectively, but there are notable differences between them.

TinyPNG focuses primarily on image compression, reducing file sizes without sacrificing visual quality. It offers a free version with a maximum image file size of 5 MB, while the paid version allows up to 25 MB. In terms of file size limit, TinyPNG provides 500 free compressions per month, charging $0.009 per compression for the next 9,500 and $0.002 per compression after 10,000 compressions.

WP Rocket, on the other hand, is a comprehensive performance enhancement plugin. It not only reduces image file sizes but also provides features such as caching, lazy loading, and minification. This makes it a more versatile solution for overall website optimization.

Dealing with the resolution aspect, we also need to consider resizing and dimension management. TinyPNG automatically resizes images according to their dimensions and compresses the final output. Users can still upload high-resolution images, and TinyPNG will scale them down to create a smaller file size without noticeable visual quality degradation.

In contrast, WP Rocket’s image optimization features include a variety of options, ranging from simple resizing to advanced techniques like Smush, which compresses images even further without impacting visual quality. WP Rocket also allows for custom dimension settings, giving users more control over image resizing and display. This makes it a better option for those who want to fine-tune their image optimization process.

To conclude, both TinyPNG and WP Rocket have their own advantages when it comes to file size and resolution management. TinyPNG is a straightforward and effective solution for basic image compression, while WP Rocket offers a broader scope of optimization features for those looking to improve their website’s overall performance. Regardless of the chosen tool, proper image optimization remains a crucial aspect of delivering a fast and user-friendly browsing experience.

Exploring Pricing Options

When comparing TinyPNG and WP Rocket, it’s important to evaluate the pricing options both platforms offer. By understanding the costs associated with each tool, we can make informed decisions about their value for our own projects.

TinyPNG operates on a freemium model, allowing users to compress a limited number of images per month for free. For individuals or small-scale projects, this might suffice. However, for more intensive image optimization needs, they offer paid plans. The starting price is $25 per year, which allows for 500 image compressions per month. Additional plans are available at higher price points for those needing more monthly compressions TinyPNG Pricing.

In contrast, WP Rocket adopts a subscription-based model for its users. WP Rocket offers three pricing tiers: the Single plan for $59/year, the Plus plan for $119/year, and the Infinite plan for $299/year WP Rocket Pricing. Each plan enables the user to access different levels of features and options for optimizing their website speed and performance.

It’s important to note that WP Rocket is an all-in-one caching plugin that covers more than just image optimization, including features such as cache preloading, browser caching, and CSS, JS, and HTML minification. Consequently, if an individual solely seeks an image optimization solution, the investment in WP Rocket might be disproportionate as it includes a range of features that go beyond image compression.

Comparing the pricing options of TinyPNG and WP Rocket involves considering the specific needs of the project. If it’s strictly image optimization that we’re after, TinyPNG offers a more focused, cost-effective solution. On the other hand, if we require a comprehensive package for website performance optimization, WP Rocket presents a robust option.

Performance Impact

When comparing TinyPNG and WP Rocket, it’s essential to evaluate their impact on website performance. Both plugins aim to improve site speed and reduce loading time by optimizing images, but their approaches differ.

TinyPNG is a well-known image compression tool that focuses on reducing the file size of your images without compromising quality. By using an advanced compression algorithm, it squeezes your images to the smallest size possible, considerably improving page load times. TinyPNG supports both JPEG and PNG file formats, making it versatile for various image types. Incorporating TinyPNG into your WordPress site can help you achieve faster loading times without sacrificing visual appeal.

Performance highlights of TinyPNG:

  • Efficient image compression
  • Supports JPEG and PNG formats
  • Lightweight, easy to implement

On the other hand, WP Rocket is a full-fledged performance optimization plugin that covers multiple aspects of site improvement. Besides image optimization, it also offers features like caching, lazy loading, and minification of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files. These features work in harmony to deliver an overall boost in website performance.

Performance highlights of WP Rocket:

  • Comprehensive performance optimization
  • Automatic caching
  • Minification and lazy loading features

When choosing between TinyPNG and WP Rocket, it depends on your specific needs and goals. If you’re solely focused on image optimization and want a dedicated tool for that purpose, TinyPNG might be the better option. However, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive solution to improve multiple factors affecting website performance, WP Rocket might be the way to go. Both plugins have proven to be effective in their respective areas, and using them can lead to a noticeable improvement in your site speed and overall user experience.

Integration Capabilities

One of the key aspects to consider when choosing an image optimization plugin for your WordPress site is its integration capabilities. In this section, we will discuss how TinyPNG and WP Rocket fare in this regard.

TinyPNG, primarily an image compression tool, focuses on reducing the file size of JPEG and PNG images, which helps in faster website loading times. This free plugin integrates seamlessly with your WordPress site, allowing you to compress images as you upload them. In addition to WordPress, TinyPNG’s API can also be integrated with other platforms to optimize images.

WP Rocket, on the other hand, is a premium plugin that offers a more comprehensive range of performance improvements for your website. Apart from image optimization, it also provides caching, file optimization, and lazy loading functionality, which are essential for faster page loading and improved SEO.

When it comes to integration with external services, WP Rocket has the edge. It supports integration with Cloudflare, a popular content delivery network (CDN), which can further boost your site’s performance by serving static content from servers closest to your users. This CDN integration makes WP Rocket a more effective performance-enhancing plugin.

Both TinyPNG and WP Rocket are compatible with the popular e-commerce platform WooCommerce. This means that if you run an online store, you can benefit from these plugins’ image optimization capabilities. By improving your store’s loading times and SEO, these plugins can help enhance user experience and potentially boost sales.

While both TinyPNG and WP Rocket offer valuable integration capabilities for your WordPress site, WP Rocket provides a more comprehensive solution that includes caching, lazy loading, and CDN integration. This can lead to better overall performance improvements and enhanced SEO results.

User Experience Aspects

When comparing TinyPNG and WP Rocket, it’s essential to consider the user experience aspects of each plugin, as these can greatly impact how effectively users can optimize images on their WordPress websites.

First, let us discuss the user-friendly features of TinyPNG. TinyPNG, also known as Compress JPEG & PNG images, is a straightforward image optimization plugin with a simple interface, ensuring that even novice users can efficiently compress their images. It offers various compression settings that cater to different preferences and website requirements. Additionally, there is documentation available for users who may need assistance in using the plugin effectively.

On the other hand, the WP Rocket plugin focuses on more than just image optimization; it takes a comprehensive approach towards website performance enhancement. This includes features like caching, lazy loading, and minification of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files. Despite having more functionality, WP Rocket’s interface remains user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate and configure the settings according to their needs.

In terms of user experience, both TinyPNG and WP Rocket have their merits. TinyPNG is a no-fuss image optimization plugin that does its primary function well, whereas WP Rocket caters to those looking to improve various aspects of their website’s performance under one unified plugin. Ultimately, users must determine which of these two options aligns with their requirements and preferences.

A useful guide can significantly impact the overall user experience, and fortunately, both TinyPNG and WP Rocket have documentation and support systems in place to assist users. TinyPNG offers guides and articles on their website, while WP Rocket provides a knowledge base that includes articles, tutorials, and troubleshooting advice for users. These comprehensive resources ensure that users have easy access to valuable information when it comes to optimizing images and improving their website’s performance.

Both TinyPNG and WP Rocket excel in providing user-friendly interfaces, user experience-focused features, and informative guides for their users. By understanding their specific website needs and goals, users can select the plugin that best suits their requirements.

Privacy and Security

At the core of our comparison between TinyPNG and WP Rocket, we prioritize privacy and security as essential factors to consider when selecting a plugin for your website. Both of these plugins aim to protect user data and ensure that sensitive information is not compromised during the image optimization process.

In terms of privacy, TinyPNG and WP Rocket follow standard procedures to safeguard personal data. Both plugins collect minimal user data during registration and use, and they adhere to data protection regulations such as the GDPR. It’s essential to mention that neither plugin collects GPS data or other sensitive user metadata. You can trust that your website visitors’ privacy will be respected while using these plugins.

Moving on to security, both TinyPNG and WP Rocket have a strong focus on maintaining the integrity of your website. They regularly undergo security audits, updates, and patches to ensure that any potential vulnerabilities are eliminated and that the plugins remain compatible with the latest versions of WordPress. Furthermore, both plugins provide secure API connections to transmit data between your website and their respective optimization servers, adding an extra layer of protection during image optimization.

When it comes to choosing between TinyPNG and WP Rocket with regards to privacy and security, rest assured that both options offer reliable and robust measures to protect your website and its users. These plugins have demonstrated their commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data protection while helping you optimize website performance through efficient image compression.

Site Speed and Performance Impact

When it comes to website performance, site speed plays a crucial role. As we know, a faster website provides a better user experience, which can lead to higher conversions and better search engine rankings. When comparing TinyPNG and WP Rocket, it’s essential to understand how each solution impacts site speed and performance.

One of the key features of both TinyPNG and WP Rocket is their ability to optimize images. Image optimization helps reduce the file size of images, leading to faster loading times. TinyPNG focuses specifically on compressing JPEG and PNG images while preserving their quality. On the other hand, WP Rocket goes beyond just image optimization, offering additional features that can further improve site speed.

Lazy loading is one such feature that can significantly impact loading times. WP Rocket provides a built-in lazy load functionality, meaning that images on your website are only loaded as they come into the visitor’s viewport. This reduces the initial loading time, resulting in faster page loads.

Next, we should consider the overall performance of these tools when it comes to speeding up our website. WP Rocket operates as a full-suite caching plugin, tackling various aspects of site optimization, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript minification, and CDN integration. This comprehensive approach can boost your site performance across multiple dimensions, leading to better site speed.

Both TinyPNG and WP Rocket serve as valuable tools to improve your site speed and performance. While TinyPNG focuses on image compression, WP Rocket offers a more well-rounded solution, including lazy loading and a suite of optimization features. Ultimately, the choice between these two tools depends on the specific needs and priorities of your website.

Examining Alternatives

When it comes to image optimization, there are several alternatives to consider alongside TinyPNG and WP Rocket. In this section, we will discuss some of the popular options available to improve the performance of your WordPress website.

Imagify, for instance, is a powerful plugin that offers three levels of optimization: Normal, Aggressive, and Ultra. This provides users with the flexibility to choose the compression level that best suits their needs. Imagify is a reliable choice, especially for those seeking a more customizable optimization experience.

Another popular option is ShortPixel. This versatile plugin provides both lossless and lossy compression, as well as glossy image optimization for photographers. What sets ShortPixel apart is its ability to optimize various image formats, including WebP, making it suitable for a wide range of websites.

EWWW Image Optimizer is a comprehensive solution for image optimization that comes with impressive features such as automatic image resizing and the capability to convert images to WebP format. Its cloud-based optimization can significantly speed up your site without the need for additional server resources, making EWWW Image Optimizer an excellent choice for scalability.

While some plugins focus on image compression, Optimole takes a different approach. Instead of compressing your existing images, Optimole serves dynamically resized images based on the user’s device. This responsive approach to image optimization can greatly enhance your site’s performance and user experience, making it a practical option for those looking for a responsive solution.

reSmush.it is another image optimization plugin that deserves mention. This free plugin allows you to optimize images as you upload them to your site, as well as perform bulk optimization for existing images with just a couple of clicks. Its cost-effective and user-friendly nature makes reSmush.it an attractive choice for website owners on a budget.

Finally, WP Smush is a popular alternative that offers both free and premium versions, providing users with features such as bulk optimization and image resizing. Although WP Smush has a smaller range of features compared to some other alternatives, it remains a solid choice for those seeking a straightforward solution.

While TinyPNG and WP Rocket are popular choices for image optimization, there are several other notable alternatives. By examining these plugins, we hope that you will find the one best suited for your specific requirements and goals.

Understanding CDN

As we dive into the world of image optimization, it’s essential to understand the concept of Content Delivery Networks (CDN). A CDN is a network of servers distributed across the globe, designed to deliver websites and their assets (like images) to users as quickly and efficiently as possible.

When a user visits your website, the CDN connects them to the server nearest to their location. This significantly reduces latency and ensures faster load times for your website’s content. By utilizing a CDN, we can improve site performance and provide a better user experience for visitors worldwide.

Now, let’s discuss the relevance of CDNs when it comes to image optimization tools like TinyPNG and WP Rocket. Both of these plugins aim to improve your website’s overall performance by optimizing images and other static assets. However, integrating a CDN can complement these optimizations and enhance the loading speed of your site even further.

In the case of WP Rocket, it offers a built-in CDN feature that rewrites all asset URLs, making it compatible with most “pull” CDN services. This means you can easily enable a CDN in the WP Rocket settings by entering your CDN provider’s CNAME (domain).

On the other hand, TinyPNG doesn’t include a built-in CDN feature, but it can still work seamlessly alongside a separate CDN service to deliver optimized images. By combining these two powerful solutions, you can ensure that your site’s images are both optimized and delivered lightning-fast to users worldwide.

Understanding and implementing a CDN is an essential aspect of website optimization. While both TinyPNG and WP Rocket focus on image optimization, incorporating a CDN will further enhance your site’s performance and user experience.

Restoration and Exclusion Features

In our experience with TinyPNG and WP Rocket, we’ve noticed that both tools have their unique approaches to optimization and restoration. While they may differ in their optimization methods, their presence of restoration and exclusion features give users control over the final outcome.

TinyPNG primarily focuses on image compression, and it does an excellent job reducing file sizes without compromising quality. The exclusion feature with TinyPNG isn’t built into the tool specifically, but users can always decide not to compress certain images by manually selecting which ones to optimize.

On the other hand, WP Rocket offers an array of features alongside image optimization. For example, WP Rocket has dynamic exclusions and inclusions for compatibility with various plugins and themes, preventing the breaking of a site’s layout or functioning. These exclusions and inclusions are stored in WP Rocket’s cloud and are distributed in specific lists for certain features, such as removing unused CSS and deferring JavaScript execution.

Although excluded images may still be lazy-loaded due to third-party plugin or theme interference, WP Rocket’s Knowledge Base provides guidance on resolving issues with excluded images. Troubleshooting within WP Rocket ensures that exclusion matches are accurate, with image filenames, paths, and extensions and class attributes for the img tag.

To summarize, while TinyPNG offers a more selective approach to image optimization by allowing users to choose images manually, WP Rocket provides a robust set of features that include dynamic exclusions and inclusions for site compatibility. These restoration and exclusion features in both tools ensure that users maintain control over their website’s design and functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do TinyPNG and WP Rocket compare in image optimization?

Both TinyPNG and WP Rocket are capable of optimizing images to improve website performance. TinyPNG focuses specifically on image optimization, using lossy compression techniques for PNG and JPEG files, which help reduce image file sizes without significantly affecting the image quality. On the other hand, WP Rocket is a complete caching and performance optimization plugin for WordPress that includes image optimization features such as lazy loading and the ability to optimize Google Fonts.

Which is the better choice for WordPress: TinyPNG or WP Rocket?

Your choice between TinyPNG and WP Rocket depends on your specific needs. If you are solely looking for image compression, TinyPNG might be a suitable choice. However, if you want a comprehensive performance optimization solution, WP Rocket would be the better option since it offers additional features like caching, JavaScript and CSS minification, and more.

Are there any major differences between TinyPNG and ShortPixel?

Both TinyPNG and ShortPixel focus on image optimization for WordPress websites. One significant difference is that ShortPixel offers additional compression options, including lossy, lossless, and glossy compression. This allows you to choose the optimal compression method for your specific needs.

What are the key differences between EWWW Image Optimizer and WP Rocket?

EWWW Image Optimizer is a WordPress plugin specifically designed for image optimization, whereas WP Rocket is a complete caching and performance optimization plugin. While both plugins include image optimization features, WP Rocket provides additional benefits such as caching, JavaScript and CSS minification, and the ability to optimize Google Fonts. EWWW Image Optimizer, however, focuses primarily on image compression and resizing to improve website performance.

Which is the most effective lossless compression plugin for WordPress?

ShortPixel Image Optimizer is one of the most effective WordPress plugins for lossless compression. It offers a choice between lossy, lossless, and glossy compression to suit your specific needs and allows for automatic optimization of uploaded images.

What are the top free alternatives to TinyPNG and WP Rocket for image compression in WordPress?

There are several free alternatives to TinyPNG and WP Rocket for image compression in WordPress. Some popular options include Smush, EWWW Image Optimizer, and Optimole. These plugins offer various features such as image resizing, automatic image optimization, and support for different compression methods to help improve website performance.

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